About Me

(Editors Note: This is a class presentation that Friends member Aileen of New York gave to her tenth grade class.) Hi my name is Aileen. I am the oldest of 3 children and I have a dog named Maggie who is almost 3 years old and gets treated like the fourth child....

A Proud Mom’s Story

(Editors Note: This is a story about a girl who stutters and her mom, who is very proud of her.) Summer vacation was about over and back-to-school time was just around the corner. Before a new school year begins, we make a phone call to our daughter’s new teacher, to...

A Letter From Kristen

Dear 6th Grade Teachers, My name is Kristen Amato (and for all of you who had her, I’m Nicole Amato’s sister). I am really looking forward to 6th grade. I’m also looking forward to meeting each of you and being in your class. I am writing to you...

Classroom Presentation

Editor’s Note: Autumn Williams, fought some deep fears to give a presentation on stuttering to her sixth-grade class. Her speech-language pathologist, Joanie Cahalan, interviewed her about the experience a month or so later. We obtained this article from the...
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