A Summary of Our August Virtual Teen Group

We talked about looking forward to seeing old friends, meeting new friends, ALL the feels that come with a new school year, and the fun activities/clubs we look forward to joining (soccer, basketball, tae kwon do, theater/drama club, etc). When talking about our stutter, some of the teens shared how we notice we may be stuttering more at this time of the year and ways we can advocate for ourselves and educate others about the way we talk. Many teens shared that they like to email their teachers at the beginning of the year to tell them what stuttering is and how they can best support the student.  Some teens shared how stuttering is no big deal and it’s just the way we talk!

— Mandy Rodstrom on facilitating the August 14th Teen Group

Register today for our upcoming teen group here! And learn more about our virtual programs for kids, teens, adults, and parents here.

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