Todo cambia

Un resumen del grupo virtual de familiares de enero en español Tuvimos un tiempo maravilloso con las madres de España, Perú y México en nuestro reciente grupo de apoyo. El grupo estuvo lleno de conexión y apoyo mutuo. Un momento destacado vino de una madre de España,...

Introductions and social anxiety

A Summary of the January Virtual Adult Group We had a great group this evening! We talked a lot about introductions and how they make us feel. We recognized we most likely feel nervous and tense with introductions because it is the first time someone is hearing us...

Helpful insight and support

A Summary of the January Virtual Teen Group We had a wonderful January teens group! We started off by getting to know each other and sharing memories from the holidays. Teens brought lots of important topics to the group and offered helpful insight and support to one...

Having fun with our friends who stutter

A Summary of the December Virtual Kids Group We had a great time at the Friends Virtual Kids Group today! Each kid shared a favorite holiday decoration or favorite toy with the group. Then we played a matching game. We listened to sound clips in different languages of...
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