Quotes from Friends Convention 2012

See What FRIENDS kids have to say… I wish you would listen to me I wish you would “get” me I will always remember Friends no matter how old I get I learned that stutterers have lots of support, no matter what I’ve learned that its O. K. to stutter I learned to...

What Kids Have to Say About Stuttering

Things I like about stuttering and being a kid who stutters: We get to go to FRIENDS Fake stuttering is fun to do It’s cool that a lot of people stutter Going to speech class Makes us us. We are unique I get to be different We get to meet people People can help me...

Wishes for Others – Denver

Dear Ian, I wish you were a millionaire! Plus cool hat! Also I wish you would never be bullied again. From, Evan Dear Wraith (chase), I hope you learn stuttering techniques. Your friend,Ian To: Ian honey badger Hope to be your captain next year and bring your shirt....

Wishes for Self – Denver

Parents: Meet new people and help others any way I can My  daughter will go to the group she is most comfortable in Young Adult or Teen. Help someone else or another family realize what I have and that stuttering is just another part of him. My best hope for this...
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