by Friends | Feb 23, 2020 | Reaching Out
by Michael Retzinger Mike, an SLP in Wisconsin, writes to Rachel Szelfi in response to her article in the May issue of Reaching Out about a speech she gave on Martin Luther King Jr. Day about her dream to be able to tell the world about the respect owed to people who...
by Friends | Dec 6, 2013 | Reaching Out
by John Ahlbach I have watched my wife Peggy give birth to our three children, but as one midwife we talked to described the experience for the husband – each time it was like going to a dance and not being able to hear the music. As much as I wanted to know...
by Friends | Aug 15, 2013 | Reaching Out
I wish you would listen to me I wish you would “get” me I will always remember Friends no matter how old I get I learned that stutterers have lots of support, no matter what I’ve learned that its O. K. to stutter I learned to be confident and you can still be a good...
by Friends | Jan 23, 2010 | Reaching Out
by Lee Ann Kincade I am blessed to have two beautiful and healthy sons. My oldest, Jonathan, is nine and from my first marriage. The youngest is James, four, and from my present marriage. Both are very normal boys in most respects: love to ride bikes, love chocolate...
by Friends | Sep 23, 2009 | Reaching Out
Don’t overdo stuff – Chloe, 12 years old Stop worrying – Maddie, 6 years old Don’t get frustrated when you stutter- Nick, 10 years old The only voice that matters is you. –Elizabeth, 8 years old If someone is bothering you…it’s best to just resolve it with words. –...
by Friends | Feb 23, 2009 | Reaching Out
(Compiled at a recent FRIENDS workshop) Don’t keep bugging me I can talk, it just might take me a second Be patient with me when I have difficulty saying something, don’t finish my sentences for me You can do anything you want to in life Everything is NOT about NOT...