San Francisco One-Day Conference

Las Lomitas Elementary School
299 Alameda de las Pulgas
Atherton, CA 94027
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See parking information below.

Saturday, April 26, 2025
9:30 AM – 4:00 PM

Download a flyer here.

Registration is below.
Welcoming families of young people who stutter, adults who stutter, SLPs, and graduate students!

The Friends One-Day Conference is a wonderful opportunity for families to come together and learn more about stuttering, supporting their child, and to begin building community. Children’s programming is activity-based and focuses on exploring attitudes and emotions, increasing understanding of stuttering, and instilling a greater sense of confidence — while making FRIENDS! SLPs and students will learn more about stuttering, current therapies, and the support available for those who stutter.

Financial assistance is available. If you would like to attend this one-day conference but you are experiencing financial difficulties and find the cost prohibitive, please reach out to Nic Brow at: 

Join our individualized one-day program!

Presenters and Facilitators


Nic Brow M.A., CCC-SLP works as a speech language pathologist at the Sisskin Stuttering Center and as an Adjunct Faculty at George Washington University. He has worked as a speech therapist within multiple public schools with students from the preschool to high school level. Nic frequently presents on stuttering affirming therapy both nationally and internationally. He predominantly works with youth who stutter and their families, within the framework of Avoidance Reduction Therapy for Stuttering (ARTS®). In his free time, Nic enjoys surfing, pickleball, and spending time with family and friends.


Caryn Herring Ph.D., CCC-SLP is a person who stutters, a speech-language pathologist, and the executive director of Friends. Caryn first became involved with Friends in 2010, serving as the Friends Board of Directors Chairperson for 5 years. She graduated with her PhD from Michigan State University, her MS from Purdue University, and her BA from the University of Pittsburgh. Caryn’s research interests include the process of desensitization, reducing adverse impact, and enhancing accessibility for people who stutter. Caryn has presented at conferences and Universities across the country as well as taught and clinically supervised undergraduate and graduate students at Michigan State University, The University of Pittsburgh, Gannon University, and Duquesne University. 

Sample Schedule

sample schedule

Registration Form

We kindly ask that you register as early as possible, so that we can best plan for the day. However, registration is also available on-site, on the morning of the conference.

Included with your registration: We provide a basic child-friendly lunch of pizza, side salad, and fruit. Please kindly bring your own lunch in cases of dietary needs or restrictions.

All children (under the age of 18) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Children’s workshops are typically recommended for ages 5 and up. However, if you think your child will be unable to be in a kids workshop without a parent/caregiver, or is under age 5, we recommend arranging childcare.


Families: Please select a family ticket totaling $95 for your entire family (up to 6 people).

SLPs: Earn 0.55 ASHA CEUs. SLPs must stay for the full day to earn CEUs. If you do not need CEUs, please register as an individual.

Individuals: Please choose this option if you are an adult who stutters, a parent/guardian attending without your children, or an SLP who does not need CEUs.

Graduate/Undergraduate Students: Choose this registration if you are a graduate student or an undergraduate student studying speech-language pathology, whether you are volunteering at the conference or not. This registration includes lunch. (Note: If you are interested in volunteering, please email Nic Brow at


Parking is available on site. For parking, enter the school along Camino Al Lago and follow the road to the parking lot.


The Friends one-day conference is a fantastic place for speech-language pathologists and students to learn more about stuttering, current treatments, and the support available to people who stutter, while earning 0.55 ASHA CEUs.

Learning Outcomes

After attending this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the relationship between effective intervention and self–esteem for children who stutter.
  • Describe the need for a management approach to childhood stuttering that includes parents, professionals and support networks.
  • Identify specific social and clinical strategies for supporting children and their families.


Read Financial and Non-Financial Disclosures

Caryn Herring MS, CCC-SLP is a salaried employee of Friends: The National Association of Young People Who Stutter.

Nicholas Brow, M.A., CCC-SLP is a salaried employee of George Washington University and an independent contractor at the Sisskin Stuttering Center and Friends: The National Association of Young People Who Stutter. He has no non-financial disclosures.

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