Our Blog
Among FriendsHow helpful it is to self-disclose
A Summary of the November Virtual Teen GroupWe had a great meet! Dylan Laube, Las Vegas Raiders football player, joined us tonight! When asked what they are looking forward to this holiday season and the New Year, many teens said they are looking forward to spending...
Managing our emotions and body language
A Summary of the November Virtual Parent GroupAt this month’s parent group we talked about how to best manage our emotions and subsequent body language when listening to our child speak. We discussed how intimidating stuttering can be, and how our fear can sometimes...
When we have hard days
A Summary of the November Virtual Kids GroupWe read the story Broken Crayons Still Color by Toni Collier and Whitney Bak. Our friend Sergio, provided some great insight. He said that broken crayons are still useful. We described ourselves using an adjective and color....
Today is International Stuttering Awareness Day
Happy International Stuttering Awareness Day to all our Friends!We asked our Friends community to share thoughts on International Stuttering Awareness Day this year, and this is what everyone had to say: "Managing stuttering is talking about it, being authentic, and...
It’s okay to stutter
A Summary of the October Virtual Parent GroupWe talked about two main themes: how do speaking strategies fit into the idea of accepting your stuttering, and how come celebrities who stutter don't seem to actually stutter? Parents also shared what they'd want others to...
“Stuttering is just the way some people talk!”
A Summary of the October Virtual Kids GroupThe Friends Kids Group was all about Spooky Season. We shared our favorite things about fall, played a Halloween costume guessing game (I dressed as Little Red Riding Hood), and talked about how the experience of stuttering...