A Summary of the November Virtual Kids Group

We read the story Broken Crayons Still Color by Toni Collier and Whitney Bak. Our friend Sergio, provided some great insight. He said that broken crayons are still useful. We described ourselves using an adjective and color. Jaxon said that he is green because he is Lucky. We played “Guess Who” emotions edition and the children talked about when they were anxious and happy. They even provided ways they worked through the feeling of anxiety; many of the kiddos enjoy the company of pets when they have hard days. We danced, laughed, and played Simon Says. To close, Lexi led us to reflect on what we are thankful for. We all had a great time.

— Shian Williams on facilitating the November 9th Kids Group

Register today for our upcoming kids group here! And learn more about our virtual programs for kids, teens, adults, and parents here.

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