A Summary of the January Virtual Adult Group

We had a great group this evening! We talked a lot about introductions and how they make us feel. We recognized we most likely feel nervous and tense with introductions because it is the first time someone is hearing us speak. Introductions are often the first opportunity we have to let the person know we stutter, whether we disclose or just through our physical stutter. We then had a meaningful conversation about social anxiety and how stuttering can impact it. There are different physical, mental and emotional layers to it and it can be hard to balance how we feel in the moment vs how we will feel afterwards. It was good open and honest conversation and I am so happy the group felt comfortable being vulnerable with each other. I look forward to February’s group!

— Aileen Rife on facilitating the January 9th Adult Group

Register for our upcoming adult group here, and learn more about our virtual programs for kids, teens, adults, and parents here.

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