by Friends | Dec 14, 2024 | For Parents, Virtual Groups
A Summary of the December Virtual Parent Group Great group today! In this season of gift buying, giving, and receiving, we discussed the gifts we’ve acquired from having a child who stutters. Some of the many gifts we mentioned were patience, compassion, kindness,...
by Friends | Nov 9, 2024 | For Parents, Virtual Groups
A Summary of the November Virtual Parent Group At this month’s parent group we talked about how to best manage our emotions and subsequent body language when listening to our child speak. We discussed how intimidating stuttering can be, and how our fear can sometimes...
by Friends | Oct 12, 2024 | For Parents, Virtual Groups
A Summary of the October Virtual Parent Group We talked about two main themes: how do speaking strategies fit into the idea of accepting your stuttering, and how come celebrities who stutter don’t seem to actually stutter? Parents also shared what they’d...
by Friends | Jun 8, 2024 | For Parents, Virtual Groups
A Summary of the June Virtual Parent Group This month we expressed gratitude for community. Being a parent of a PWS can be a lonely journey, and having an organization with brilliant SLPs who can help us better understand stuttering, while also providing an...
by Friends | May 11, 2024 | For Parents, Virtual Groups
A Summary of the May Virtual Parent Group “Today, we talked about how there is a parallel process going on for parents. They, like their children who stutter, experience similar things. They both worry about what other people think, feel fear and shame around...
by Friends | May 2, 2024 | For Parents, Virtual Groups
Un resumen del grupo virtual de familiares de mayo en español Fuimos un grupo de 25 personas en el Grupo en Español para Padres de Niños y Adolescentes que Tartamudean, representando una mezcla diversa de padres de 11 países diferentes. Fue increíble compartir...